Posts made in July, 2020

Things to Avoid After A Night of Heavy Drinking

Once in a while we indulge into a fun and all booze galore with our friends after work or the weekend. Sometimes we do it with our family on special occasions like weddings and birthdays. Drinking liquor has benefits, it’s actually not all too bad as some type of liquors have health benefits. Take wine for example, it’s variety, the red wine promotes cardiovascular health while, beer on the other hand prevents kidney stones. But, too much of everything eventually becomes bad, so as frequent liquor drinking sprees and as well as the aftermath.  


After a night of hard drinking, you must know the things and the activities you must avoid to keep yourself and your drinking buddies safe. Most of the time when we have had our alcohol limit, our judgement, vision, hearing, and even locomotive skills become impaired. This makes us vulnerable to accidents and somewhat a danger to people around us. So, before you take that last shot of tequila, remember these things you need to avoid after a night of heavy drinking: 


Drink and Drive 

We have put this on the top of our list as this kind of reminder may never be enough as there is still DUI related accidents on the road every day. Driving under the influence is a serious offense but what’s worse than hiring Fort Myers DUI lawyers is getting cars totaled because the driver is too drunk to drive. It is estimated that more than 10,000 people in the US dies every year due to DUI. This can be prevented by having a friend do the designated driving for the night or call and Uber or Lyft. Remember, going home late is better than driving impaired.  


Taking Medicines 

While under the influence of any type of liquor, be very careful with taking medicines as this can result to either, making your drowsy or intensifying its effect. Some medicines may contain ingredients that should not be mixed with alcohol which can cause and adverse effect when taken. In the event that you are feeling a little bit under the weather while drinking, consult a physician so they can give you the right medicine to take.  


Having Another Round of Drinks 

Sometimes time may past very slow and you think you can still get another round of whiskey, but it’s very important to say no to the vino. Do not push your limits, if you can’t take it anymore just pass. Too much alcohol intake can greatly affect your liver and could cause major health problems, not to mention you may sleep on the bar if your way passes your alcohol limit.  


Illegal Drugs 

Mixing illegal drugs with alcohol is never a good idea. Taking legal drugs with alcohol can do some damage, how much more if you throw illegal drugs into the mix. Alcohol is very reactive to other substances, and this may even cause death to the user once mixed. Arrythmia, high blood pressure, and the risk of heart attack are just some of the few things that you may experience when you mix the two.  


Booze can be great and has been a part of our socializing culture, but remember having too much of the good things can be very bad so, always be careful and yes, DRINK MODERATELY. 

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Great Annual Events in Miami

Miami is greatly known for its event all year round, in any hour of the day. Lots of annual events are worth attending in Miami to celebrate the concept of You Only Live Once (YOLO) as well as meeting different people and understanding different cultures. Miami is indeed a place to go. Here are some of the annually hosted special events in Miami.

Miami Broward Carnival

Miami brings the greatest Carnival event in town every October. The Miami Broward Carnival is a must go event because you do not need to go to Brazil or the Caribbean Islands to experience the ultimate Carnival fun and excitement. This special event is held at Miami-Dade County Fairgrounds from 11 am to 11 pm. This an all in fun carnival experience, not only for the kids but for the whole family. Enjoy and have fun with the amazing costumes, concerts, food and traditional cocktails tasting, cooking and entertainment shows.

Miami International Boat Show

For the love of boats, do not miss this special event in Miami and say hello to over 3,000 boat exhibits. This event is in multiple locations all around Miami. Do not miss the chance to see the different kinds of boats you ever dreamed of from sailboats, yachts, catamarans and racing boats. This is event has special event permit Miami only during February. This is not only an exhibit but an experience since you will the chance to a hands-on learning on boats, guided by the experts.

Miami Art Deco Weekend

If you looking for a trip to the memory lane, the Miami Art Deco Weekend is the best event for you. Check out the evolution of architecture from different cities in different eras. This event takes place every mid-January at the Lummus Park and around 11th Street and Ocean Drive. Meet different people who travelled from different parts of the world to take part in the awareness and appreciation of art and

architecture. This exhibit has different activities too like live performances and fun events for kids and dogs.

Miami Beach Polo World Cup

If you are looking for a sporty event, the Miami Beach Polo World Cup is indeed a wonderful experience. This event is hosted every April and this is the world’s biggest polo event. Polo, being a fascinating sport, in this event meets word-class players and witness different matches in different categories. This is not just sport event but a charity event for nonprofit.

Miami Beach Gay Parade

April is not only for Polo but it is a month also for the LGBTQ community. Miami Beach has been hosting the Miami Beach Gay Parade since 2009. This is attended by more than 100,000 people. The highlights of this event are the Pride Lights, street parade and Beach Party Festival Village.

There are still amazing and enjoyable events in Miami. Book a ticket now and avail the hotels discounts. The earlier you books, the bigger discounts you enjoy. Bring the whole family and share the experience the greatest days of your life.

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Improving Your Vacation Rental Property

One of the most common real estate investments is vacation rentals. Aside from being flexible and fun investments, they can also be extremely cost-effective.

However, vacation rental properties are hard to manage. Most people don’t want to hire property managers since they don’t want to pay property management fees Rialto. If you’re one of these owners, don’t worry. We’re here to help. Here are a couple of tips you can follow to improve the ROI of your vacation rental:

Update and Upgrade

People want to get away from the dull nature of day-to-day life and enjoy indulgence when they’re on vacation. By buying and installing the right upgrades, you can appeal to this longing.

It’s well worth the money if you invest in cosmetic upgrades to the kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms. You will almost always see a good ROI right away, whether it is a new flooring, an accent wall, or a simple backsplash upgrade.

Gather Social Proof

It’s important to have an excellent listing. However, potential tenants want more than simply your marketing speech. They need to know what other tenants think. That is why it is vital to have social proof.

When it comes to a vacation rental, social proof includes aspects such as glowing social media posts, media mentions, concrete numbers and data, celebrity endorsements, credibility badge and certifications, client reviews, and ratings.

Take Excellent Listing Pictures

Nowadays, almost all of the booking decisions are made online. A couple of individuals have the ability to visit in person or drive by a vacation property before booking it. Bookings are done online for the most part with nothing more than a map, a couple of reviews, and a listing.

You have to pay for expert quality listing pictures if you want to secure a lot of bookings. In the first month, you will certainly get your money back.

Aside from listings, you should have the time to create a copy that sells your vacation rental and tackles all the inquiries or common points of friction.

Set a Competitive Rate

Bookings are essential to the success of your vacation rental property as you’ve read earlier. You will have higher revenue if you always keep your property rented out. One way to achieve this goal is to have a competitive rate.

Rental owners often get too caught up in how much they are charging and the rate per night. However, the truth is that they’ve got to focus on setting competitive pricing that enables the property to stay booked for more days every month.

It’s great if you get $500 per night for your property. However, every month, you are only getting $7,500 if your property isn’t always booked. You can create $10,000 every month if you rent your property at $400 per night and upping your bookings to 25 days every month.

Investing in real estate is not for everyone. It needs fortitude and discipline. Aside from that, you also have to embrace the risk. However, you can enjoy easy profitability with the right approach.

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